

The wheels of time are set in motion.


An explosion.

The cosmos bursts into existence, 

Stretches far and wide into the distance.

Theology and Astronomy are now together born, 

Two sides - in perfect balance - of the same celestial coin.

The planets assemble, the stars align,

The galaxies are spawned as per the grand design.

Mercury and Venus and Earth and Mars,

The third from the sun is the one we call ours.

Golden light stems from the horizon, morning.

With it, the advent of life giving heat, warming.

The celestial body begins its eternal rotation, turning.

The air and land and sea fill up with creatures, swarming.

The ages go by, some species do not survive,

But the time for the climax of creation arrives.

The Master crafts like a sculptor with a chisel,

His tush, his head, his toes.

The final touch, the breath of life, blown with a whistle, 

Whoosh! Into his nose.